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Cara install dengan Crack:
instal Auslogics BoostSpeed
lalu exit
klik aja tutup
lalu copykann file aushelper.dll ke C:\Program Files (x86)\Auslogics\Auslogics BoostSpeed
buka tool Auslogics BoostSpeed dah full kan? heheheeh gampang ga?
Auslogics BoostSpeed Full Version with Crack merupakan solusi ideal untuk mempercepat komputer Anda dan koneksi internet. Auslogics BoostSpeed Full Version merupakan optimizer Windows yang kuat yang dapat meningkatkan koneksi internet, men-tweak Windows untuk kinerja puncaknya, disk defrag, menghapus file sampah (junk file) dan membersihkan registry. Ini cara yang bagus untuk mempercepat PC Anda dan tetap bersih dan dioptimalkan.
Auslogics BoostSpeed dapat:
Mulai program lebih cepat.
Mempercepat waktu mulai komputer.
Meningkatkan kecepatan Internet, mengoptimalkan Internet Explorer, Firefox dan e-mail program.
Meningkatkan Kecepatan dengan membersihkan disk dan Registry untuk mempercepat komputer Anda dan tweak Windows untuk kinerja puncaknya.
Memodifikasi pengaturan Windows, file sistem dan jasa untuk lebih meningkatkan kinerja sistem.
Anda juga dapat menjalankan Wizard Optimasi Sistem untuk mengoptimalkan PC Anda secara berkala.
BoostSpeed Integrator. BoostSpeed Integrator provides you with computer optimization and security summary, prompting you to take actions when needed. Use Tasks menu on the left to launch various BoostSpeed tools to clean-up, optimize and secure your computer.
Disk Defrag. A new and improved version of Disk Defrag is now part of Auslogics BoostSpeed. You don't need to have Disk Defrag installed as a separate program anymore. Simply download and install new Auslogics BoostSpeed 4 and enjoy an integrated version of Disk Defrag on your computer.
Speed Up Internet. Internet Optimization wizard is now easier to use, provides more information and is more powerful than before. Unlike other similar programs, Auslogics Internet Optimizer will first test your connection settings before applying any changes.
One-Button Checkup. If you don't have time to go through many tools in Auslogics BoostSpeed, but need a quick fix of major problems, use One-Button Checkup instead. This safe and fast program will clean and optimize your disk and the registry, as well as protect your computer.
Disk Cleaner. Disk Cleaner, Registry Cleaner and Track Eraser are all built to scan and clean your computer, removing junk files, broken registry keys and sensitive information. Novice users will find them easy to use, and power users will be delighted by the amount of customization available.
Uninstall Manager. The new version features greatly improved Uninstall and Startup Managers. Both can be used to improve your computer performance. Both have an edge over standard Windows tools and competitors by rating your software and giving you a Vista-style quick search.
Tweak Manager. You can speed up, optimize and customize your computer, web browser, e-mail client and IM software using our award-winning Auslogics Tweak Manager. It allows you to search for tweaks, to see tweak rating (telling you how much effect a tweak has on your computer performance).
Compatible with Windows XP/ Vista/ 7 (32-bit & 64-bit).
Fix in Auslogics BoostSpeed
Installation: removed InstallMonetizer promotion
Disk Defrag: re-enabled an option to change computer idle time before starting autodefragmentation
Internet Optimizer: improved the algorithm to increase stability
Cleaners: added a checkbox to the scan results page that allows to archive deleted data
Task Manager: improved the "Run Program... " drop-down list. Now the list displays previously entered paths and available paths
Task Manager: improved the application kill warning. Also improved design and added an option to display the list of locked files
Task Manager: added a PID column
Disk Wiper: now the checkbox to turn off computer is available when running the check
Service Manager: added a multiple selection option that allows to perform tasks for several services at once
Integrator: added a drop-down menu to the Scan button ("Scan and Repair", "Scan, Repair and Power Down", etc.)
Integrator: added options to "Select All", "Deselect All", and "Cancel Selection" to the list of advice
All programs: fixed form positioning bug that occurred when a user disabled additional monitors
All programs: improved stability
All programs: fixed bugs
semoga bermanfaat
Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih blog BEBAS DI COPY PASTE posting ini di buat untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada yang belum mengetahuinya,jadi tidak ada larangan untuk tidak mengcopy di blog ini,trimakasih untuk yang udah mau mengcopy di blog ini,sebarkan ilmu semampu anda dengan ikhlas kawan, semoga ALLAH membalas kebaikan anda.amin
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