
AVG Anti Virus Pro 2012 full

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AVG Anti-Virus Pro 2012 12.0.1796 (x86/x64) | 150/170 MB

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AVG Anti-Virus offers real-time protection against today’s most sophisticated threats. Chat, download and exchange files with confidence; play games and watch videos without worry or interruption. AVG Professional is extremely reliable, fast and light on resources, so, no matter how demanding a user you are, it won't slow down your performance.

Exceptional anti-virus protection
Anti-virus protection that automatically updates to protect you from continually evolving threats. As hackers develop new techniques, AVG’s research labs are constantly processing web data to provide new defenses to keep you automatically protected.

Anti-Virus, Anti-Malware, Anti-Spyware
Our Anti-Virus technology protects you from falling victim to (or unwittingly spreading) a virus, worm, or Trojan horse. The first layer of protection is traditional anti-virus, which keeps known threats out of your system by matching them to a database.

AVG Anti-Spyware protects you from Spyware and Adware that can keep track of your personal information.
AVG Resident Shield provides an additional layer of protection by examining files for threats as they are being copied opened or saved and prevents you opening infected files.

AVG Protective Cloud Technology
Emerging threats are identified “in the cloud” and prevented from infecting your computer via AVG’s automatic updates to your anti-virus software.

AVG Community Protection Network
Information about the latest threats is collected from customers who choose to participate, enabling us to constantly identify new threats, supporting everyone in the AVG community and helping us to provide superior anti-virus protection.

Here are some key features of "AVG Antivirus Professional 2012":

Surf and search with confidence:
· AVG Search-Shield places safety ratings next to each link in your search results, letting you know which sites can be trusted, while AVG Surf-Shield checks web pages in real time, identifying malicious websites before you visit them.

Stay protected on social networks:
· Automatically checks links exchanged on Facebook and MySpace in real time so that you and your friends stay safe.

Download, share files and chat safely:
· Download and share files without risk of infection. You are also protected when you exchange files through online chat.

Support and assistance:
· Our technical experts are available to help with any problems you might have.

Keep tough threats out:
· AVG’s core layers of protection make sure you can’t receive or unintentionally spread even the toughest threats.

Play games and watch movies without interruption:
· Hassle-free protection that works in the background while you play games and watch movies.

Scan smarter and faster:
· AVG 2011’s scans are even faster. AVG Smart Scanning works while you’re away and runs in low-priority mode when you return.

Home Page - http://www.avg.com/

Download Now
AVG Anti-Virus Pro 12.0.1796 Multilingual (x86/32 bit) 150 MB

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AVG Anti-Virus Pro 12.0.1796 Multilingual (x64/64 bit) 170 MB


AVG Internet Security 2012 12.0 Build 1796

AVG Internet Security 2012 12.0 Build 1796 Final (x86/x64) | 157/178 Mb

Complete protection for everything you do! With AVG Internet Security, our most advanced protection, you get a worry-free online experience every time. This award-winning product gives you unbeatable Internet security by protecting against viruses, spyware, hackers, spam and malicious websites. AVG Internet Security is a reliable and easy-to-use solution for home and small office users which is trusted by millions of users worldwide.

AVG Internet Security's multiple layers of protection mean you don't have to worry about identity theft, spam or viruses. And it'll even prevent you from accidentally visiting harmful sites. It's faster, smarter security that won't slow your computer down. With AVG Internet Security you also have access for the first time to AVG Identity Theft Recovery Unit that will help you get your life back in order if you ever become a victim of identity theft – online or offline. Unique Internet security thanks to new technology - Only AVG gives you real-time protection against malicious websites thanks to our new LinkScanner technology.

• Safely bank and shop online without fear of identity theft thanks to AVG's new Identity Protection technology
• Surf, and search with confidence, with LinkScanner® checking web pages at the only time that matters - right before you click that link

Additionally, Internet Security 9.0 pulls together elements of AVG’s firewall, identity protection, and anti-virus signature detection capabilities to deliver the most accurate detection of new and unknown threats. This enhanced protection level makes use of cutting-edge technologies like application white-listing and “in-the-cloud” automated testing for tell-tale signs that indicate the presence of a new threat.

When you install AVG Internet Security, every one of these features is fully-functional - there's no need to do a thing.

Banking and shopping online
• AVG Identity Protection - Keeps your private information safe from known and unknown threats
• NEW Enhanced Firewall - Prevents hackers from seeing inside your computer

Surfing and searching the web, social networking
• LinkScanner® Active Surf-Shield - Ensures every web page you visit is safe – even before you go there
• LinkScanner® Search-Shield - Applies safety ratings to your Google, Bing/MSN and Yahoo search results
• NEW Superior Phishing Protection - Checks to make sure web pages really are what they appear to be

Emailing, chatting, and downloading
NEW Enhanced Anti-Spam - Blocks spammers and scammers from clogging your system
Web Shield - Lets you download and exchange files without risking virus infections
E-mail Scanner - Keeps you safe from dangerous attachments and links in your e-mail

Whether you’re online or offline
• Anti-Virus - Makes sure you can’t get or spread a virus, worm, or Trojan horse
• Anti-Spyware - Prevents unauthorized information access by spyware and adware
• Anti-Rootkit - Ensures even the toughest and most sophisticated threats are kept out of your PC
• Game Mode - Keeps you safe without interrupting your Game-play
• Update Manager - Makes sure you’re always protected against the latest threats – automatically
• System Tools - Lets you customize how AVG protection works with your system

Home Page - http://www.avg.com/

Download Now
AVG Internet Security 2012 12.0 Build 1796 X86 (32 bit) 157 Mb

Download Now
AVG Internet Security 2012 12.0 Build 1796 X64 (64 bit) 178 Mb


semoga bermanfaat
Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih blog galihrezah.blogspot.com BEBAS DI COPY PASTE posting ini di buat untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada yang belum mengetahuinya,jadi tidak ada larangan untuk tidak mengcopy di blog ini,trimakasih untuk yang udah mau mengcopy di blog ini,sebarkan ilmu semampu anda dengan ikhlas kawan, semoga ALLAH membalas kebaikan anda.amin bentar ane mikir dulu buat postingan besok,,hehe hehehe jadi malu kabur ah..hahaha waduh kurang cepet ne balik lagi ah hehehe.. eh ga jadi kabur hihihi maaf-maaf kalau ane ada salah..hehe minum dulu gan salam kenal yah hehehe thanks for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong) laporkan kesini http://facebook.com/mastercrackerbila link unduh broken,untuk daftar isi disini rss galihrezah.blogspot.com - hohoho selamat mengcopy ya sob


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