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1-Click Scan

Removes junk files, defragments disks and repairs registry errors with just a couple of mouse clicks.
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System Advisor

Analyzes your system health, giving you a comprehensive diagnosis and improvement advice.
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Over 15 tools

Supplied with over fifteen power tools for complete computer maintenance and ultimate speedup.
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Disk Defrag 3

Includes the latest version of our award-winning defragmenter with its every feature and advantage.
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Internet Optimizer

Automatically tunes Internet connection settings to maximize your download and web surfing speed.
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File Recovery

Recovers accidentally deleted files or files damaged by spyware and computer viruses.


Brand New Features

System Scan System Scan Auslogics BoostSpeed 5 has a brand new interface that allows you to jump straight in, selecting the desired actions. Your current system state is displayed in the main window. All major tasks, such as removing junk files, defragmenting disks and repairing registry errors can be done with just a couple of mouse clicks. You can also switch to additional tabs with optimization advice, resources usage information and advanced tools for even more control over your system.
File Recovery File Recovery If you have accidentally deleted an important document or a picture - don't panic! Auslogics BoostSpeed 5 is supplied with the File Recovery tool. This program will recover accidentally deleted files or files deleted by virus attacks and software faults. Auslogics File Recovery has the ability to preview photos and even documents while browsing through the list of found files. This feature will help you to recover exactly what you need.

Disk Doctor Disk Doctor This tool checks your hard drives for problems related to bad sectors, lost clusters and directory errors. With Disk Doctor you will be able to recover data from unreadable sectors and monitor your hard drive health. We highly recommend running this tool at least once a month. If you start seeing lots of bad sectors, it is better to make a backup copy of your important files and consider getting a new hard drive. This will save your data from being lost.
Disk Explorer Disk Explorer Auslogics Disk Explorer is designed to help you track disk space usage. It will display an intuitive and easy to understand pie chart, that will show you the largest files and folders on your disks. By using Disk Explorer you can easily and quickly free up additional space on your disk when needed. Just select the "Top 100 files" list to see which files are taking up the most of your hard drive space and save them to a CD, DVD, or removable drive.

Improved Features

Defrag Your Disks Disk Defrag Optimizes the file system to get the maximum out of your hard drive performance. It defragments files on your disks, so that they can be read and written faster. This greatly improves applications response time, system boot speed and overall computer performance. This tool is an integrated version of our famous defragmenter - Disk Defrag and has its every feature and advantage. It is fast and can defrag a single file as well as multi-terabyte drives.
Defrag the Registry Registry Defrag Defragments and compacts the Windows Registry. The program will rewrite the registry, eliminating its fragmentation, slack spaces and structural defects. As a result you'll get a compact and well-organized registry that consumes less memory and requires less time to access whichever entries needed by applications. Upon completing the defragmentation, Registry Defrag will prepare a detailed report for you to see what exactly was done.

Clean Up Your PC Disk Cleaner Thoroughly cleans your PC from system clutter and junk files. This tool scans your hard drives for useless files that waste disk space and slow down your computer. This may be Windows and third-party applications temporary files, Internet browsers cache, junk files left by online chat programs and other debris. If you are not sure which folders to scan, just select "Check Safe Only". This ensures that no important data will be erased.
Repair Your Registry Registry Cleaner Over time, the registry becomes cluttered with corrupted keys and references. As a result, your computer slows down, starts freezing and crashing. With Registry Cleaner you can scan your registry for problems that harm your PC's performance. The program will then clean the registry and repair all errors found. Using Registry Cleaner is absolutely risk-free, because all changes made by the program are backed up and can be instantly undone.

Speed Up Internet Connection Internet Optimizer This tool will speed up your Internet connection by optimizing numerous settings like Max MTU and RWIN specifically for the type of Internet connection you use. Unlike other similar programs, Auslogics Internet Optimizer will first test your connection settings before applying any changes. Internet Optimizer is very easy to use and provides comprehensive information about each setting that should be modified. Experienced users can tweak all settings manually.
Tweak Your Windows Tweak Manager Offers you over 280 settings to customize your Windows, web browsers, e-mail clients and IM software. For instance, you can tune Windows visual effects, make computer boot faster and improve system safety. Each setting in the Tweak Manager has a tweak rating, telling you how much effect changing the setting will have on your computer performance. All settings come with detailed descriptions that make it easy to tweak your system.

Protect Your Privacy Track Eraser When you surf the Internet, open documents or run different programs, your activity is recorded in specific files, like cookies, temporary files and the registry. This means that people who have access to your computer can easily see which web sites you have visited or which documents, images and applications you've recently opened. Track Eraser will protect your privacy by removing this confidential information from your computer.
Delete Duplicate Files Duplicate File Finder Daily computer activity inevitably leads to accumulating identical files on your computer. Useless duplicates waste your hard disk space and may also cause system slowdowns. Duplicate File Finder will help you to find and delete such files. By using this tool you can increase free space on your hard drive by up to 50%! Moreover, deleting duplicates will reduce time needed to defragment your disks and minimize the time used by antivirus to scan your computer.

File Shredder File Shredder Did you know that by simply deleting files or folders in Windows you just remove references to them but not the actual data? Files you think you've deleted remain on the disk and can be easily restored with data recovery software. File Shredder was designed to permanently delete files, folders and the Recycle Bin contents, so your sensitive data cannot be restored. It provides four different shredding algorithms: from fast to military-level safety shredding.
Disk Wiper Disk Wiper Unlike File Shredder, this tool wipes free space on an entire drive, making sure that files you have deleted previously can't be restored. To provide extra security, Disk Wiper allows turning off System Restore while wiping a disk. Since System Restore keeps track of file changes, turning it off ensures that no file copies will be created during wiping. In addition, this tool can wipe slack space and clear file entries from the file system table.

Speed Up PC Boot Time Startup Manager Lists all the programs that start automatically on Windows boot or when you log on to your PC. You can easily manage the list by adding new programs and removing unnecessary startup applications. Reducing the number of programs that start automatically will make Windows boot faster and free up system resources. You can also disable any program before removing it from the list to see the effect the change will have on your system.
Uninstall Programs Uninstall Manager With this tool you can see all programs installed on your computer and uninstall any of them easily. Uninstall Manager shows you which programs you hardly ever use and warns if there are programs believed to be spyware or adware. There are several options available to remove a program: click "Uninstall" to launch the program's uninstall wizard; "Quiet Uninstall" - to quickly remove the program; "Force Remove" - to delete the program's registry entry.

Service Manager Service Manager There are some services constantly running on your computer that you don't really need. Each of them uses valuable system resources - memory, CPU and hard drive, hence disabling these services may significantly increase your computer performance. Service Manager will help you to identify and disable unnecessary services by providing comprehensive descriptions and recommendations for each running service.
Task Manager Task Manager The program lets you track all running applications and processes. It displays CPU, RAM and disk usage by individual program or process, as well as total consumption of system recourses. If there are processes believed to be dangerous, Task Manager will warn you about them, so you can easily end the task and check it on the Internet. It also allows you to speed up any process you want by setting higher priority of system resources usage for the selected process.

PC System Information System Information This tool provides comprehensive and easy to understand information about your computer. It will show hardware configuration and operating system details, as well as all programs and drivers installed on your PC. It can also generate a detailed report containing all the information about your system in a single file. This feature will be useful if you need to provide a technical support team with information about your computer.
Rescue Center Rescue Center Designed to clean, optimize and protect your computer, Auslogics BoostSpeed is absolutely safe to use. It has been thoroughly tested by IT professionals before being released. Furthermore, all changes made by the program on your computer are stored in the Rescue Center. If you experience any problems caused by the program, you can easily use a backup to restore the initial state of your system.
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Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih blog galihrezah.blogspot.com BEBAS DI COPY PASTE posting ini di buat untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada yang belum mengetahuinya,jadi tidak ada larangan untuk tidak mengcopy di blog ini,trimakasih untuk yang udah mau mengcopy di blog ini,sebarkan ilmu semampu anda dengan ikhlas kawan, semoga ALLAH membalas kebaikan anda.amin bentar ane mikir dulu buat postingan besok,,hehe hehehe jadi malu kabur ah..hahaha waduh kurang cepet ne balik lagi ah hehehe.. eh ga jadi kabur hihihi maaf-maaf kalau ane ada salah..hehe minum dulu gan salam kenal yah hehehe thanks for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong) laporkan kesini http://facebook.com/mastercrackerbila link unduh broken,untuk daftar isi disini


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