A1 platform
DB2010 CID36/49 RED/BROWN:
D750, K310, K510, K750, K758, W300, W550, W600, W700, W800, W810, Z520, Z525, Z530, Z550, Z558
DB2012 CID50/51/52/53 RED/BROWN:
K310, K320, K510, W200, W300, W810, Z550
DB2020 CID49/51/52/53 RED/BROWN:
K530, K550, K610, K618, K770, K790, K800, K810, S500, T650, V630, W580, W610, W660, W710, W830, W850, W880, Z610, Z710
PNX5230 CID49 /51/52/53 RED/BROWN:
W350, W380, Z310, Z555
A2 platform
DB3150 CID49/51/52 RED/BROWN/BLUE:
C702, C902, G502, K630, K660, K850, K858, T700, TM506, V640, W595, W760, W890, W902, W908, W910, W980, Z750, Z770, Z780
DB3200 CID49/51/52/53/80/81 RED/BROWN/BLUE:
F100 (Jalou), J105 (Naite) , T707, TM717, W508, W518
DB3210 CID49/51/52/53/80/81 RED/BROWN/BLUE:
C510, C901, C903, C905, G705, T715, W705, W715, W995
DB3350 CID49/51/52/53/80/81 RED/BROWN/BLUE:
J10 (Elm), J20 (Hazel), W20 (Zylo), U10(Aino), U100 (Yari), Xperia Pureness X5
RW ► read and write are available
WO ► available only to write, read is not available
- - ► There is not supported
* Deleting files and folders is supported in any combination of CID / Color
RED ► Retaylovy product (PRODUCT)
BROWN ► Certificate for developers (R&D)
BLUE ► Production Certificate (FACTORY)
SUPERCID – device with disabled security features. Can be any color.
FAR SEFP2w cedar.rar
ggsetup cedar.rar
semoga bermanfaat * Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin hehehe makasih
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